For a while now, I have been looking into subscribing to a crochet magazine, but choosing the one best fitting for MY wants and needs proved a little tricky. There are so many different things to consider and, being me, I had to do my research....
And so, I dove into the ocean of possibilities out there and listed all the things I want (or don't want) in a magazine subscription in order to finally the find THE ONE. It has been an interesting research topic, as I did learn a lot about the world of crochet journalism and pattern writing in the process.
Now, armed with all this knowledge, I thought I would share with you my tips on how to narrow down the options in hopes of eventually choosing the one subscription which best suits your own wishes.
1. Do you want a printed magazine, or a digital one?
In the digital age we live in today, this is probably the first thing you need to decide. Would you like to get a printed copy mailed to your house or a digital copy e-mailed to your inbox?
Some people prefer a copy they can actually hold, flip through, fold the corners of pages they want to mark etc. You know, something to display on your coffee table. This version is better for people who like to collect magazines, or prefer the physical copy for any other reason.
Others prefer the digital version, which you can view on each one of your devices - your computer, tablet or phone. The digital version will sometimes have interactive features and is usually cheaper, not to mention friendlier to the environment. However, the digital version might not be suited for people who shy away from technology or have problems reading from screens.
Deciding which option better suits you will be the first filter, as some magazines are only available in one of the two forms, while others offer both.
2. What publishing frequency do you want?
Different magazines offer a different publishing frequency. There are monthly options, bi-monthly or seasonal - which can be two or four times a year.
Monthly and bi-monthly magazines often feature more articles, "how to" style tutorials, interviews with designers, "blurbs" about new yarns or new accessories for crocheters and more alongside crochet patterns, of course. Seasonal magazines often include more patterns and less of "everything else".
You can sometimes see a real difference in the number of pages - monthly issues are often "lighter". When looking online for a subscription, many websites will state the number of pages or even the number of patterns vs. other content in each issue.
3. What is your price range?
The price you're willing to pay is always a key in choosing what magazine to get, but in the case of a subscription it will be mostly effected by your answers to the previous two questions - Digital subscriptions are often cheaper than printed ones, and of course with a monthly subscription you pay either once a year for the whole year or once every month, while a seasonal subscription will charge you twice (or 4 times) a year.
If the subscription (monthly of seasonal) charges you at the beginning of the year for the entire year, you should calculate the price per issue. Sometimes the price per issue when doing one payment at the first month of the year is cheaper than the monthly payment option.
The last thing to consider when talking about the price is what do you get for what you pay - value for money. Is the price (in your opinion) worth the value of what you get with each issue? To decide that, you must answer question number 4...
4. What is the style and content you prefer?
Each magazine has its own style. The style shows in the overall design of the magazine as well as the "vibe" of the articles and crochet patterns featured in it. Are you looking for a more fun, colorful, cheerful style? Or maybe you are into funky designs and interesting methods? Or perhaps you prefer a more sophisticated and "mature" feel? These are all options which are currently available from different publishers and the one you choose will help you narrow the list down. Many people lean towards a certain magazine because its aesthetic appeals to them more.
Also, while all the magazines have patterns in them, you should think of what exactly do you want the patterns to include - Charts? Diagrams? Sketches and pictures? Are you more of a visual learner or do you prefer the written instructions only?
Equally important is your ability to read and understand US and UK crochet terms. Is it all the same to you or do you favor one on top of the other?
Finally, you should decide if you want more or less of the "non-pattern" content - articles, interviews and other news. Do you want the magazine to feature tutorials on new techniques? Are you more interested in the trends of the season? Are you looking to learn something with each issue, or are you more interested in inspiration?
It's worth taking a look into past issues of the magazines on top of your list, in order to get a better idea of what's in them. Some of them you can get at news stands, book stores and craft stores, others can be ordered online from the magazine's website. Looking into previous publications will give you insight as to what you might expect to get once you actually subscribe.
Now that you know what to look for in order to make your decision, here are some options for you to consider:
1. I Like To Crochet
2. Yarnologie
3. Happily Hooked
4. Simply Crochet
5. Crochet Now
6. We Crochet
7. Moorit
8. Crochet! (Annie's)
9. Crochet World (Annie's)
10. Mollie Makes
11. Fun Crochet
12. Inside Crochet