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Yarniversity - Crochet and Knit for Charity

Submitted by Regev on

Join me as we get to know some charity organizations from around the globe, which you can contribute to by sending in crochet and knit items. Let's explore the different causes you can support by donating your hand made items.

Read about today's topic on my blog:

Yarniversity - What NOT To Crochet

Submitted by Regev on

As crocheters we often find ourselves saying "oh, that's something I can crochet!". But even though sometimes the results of trying to make a certain item in crochet form can be quite pleasing, there are some items one simply SHOULD NOT crochet. Because the simple fact that something CAN be made, doesn't always mean it SHOULD be... Join me as we explore some crochet DON'Ts.

Read about today's topic on my blog:

Yarniversity - How To Shop For Hand Dyed Yarns Online

Submitted by Regev on

What are the most important things to remember when shopping for hand dyed yarns online? What should you pay attention to? What should you keep in mind? How to calculate the right amount? Can you trust the pictures? How to decide on fiber content without feeling it? What are "reasonable" prices? All these questions and more - answered on this week's Yarniversity.

Yarniversity - How To Use Yarn Minis

Submitted by Regev on

Are you often tempted to buy yarn minis but never know what to actually do with them? Did you always want to buy yourself one of these fancy Advent Calendars or Halloween countdown boxes, but had no clue what to make with all those mini-hanks? Or maybe you bought some mini yarn cakes because "they were just too cute" but could never find the right project and they end up sitting on your shelf... Well, this Yarniversity episode is for you! Learn how to best use up those minis and lose all your fear and doubts concerning them.